Thursday, 23 January 2014

Class 4D'13

The morning started out really messy yesterday. 
We were suppose to cook eggs but the entire wok was so puny and just... Not for scrambling eggs. 
Plus, the utensils in the kitchen were all so oily and just ughhhh 
So guys, here's my wonderful friend Gerbs doing dishes for the first time ever.
So when we got down to cooking the eggs, Chen Neng decided that he and I should have an egg duel. 
He cheated. I swear. He put like a whole truck of soya sauce so it was really yummy but unhealthy. 
BUT. Mine. Was like the MacDonald's eggs. Really! It was nice and soft and fluffy with just the right amount of pepper and soya sauce (this ego of mine.) HAHA 
okay but well done Neng Neng :-) 
I think guys who can cook are really cool :] 

After that we Mahjong-ed the morning away :D 
LOOK AT MY WINNING TILES!! Woohoo! It was my first time playing and I won!! I won on my second time too :> (with Keith's help) 
Qing Xiao plays Mahjong like a boss. 
She sits with one leg propped up on the chair. And when people take too long to choose which tile to discard she glares at them with her huge huge eyes and yells, "HURRY UP LA, TAKE SO LONG. DONT SO AMBITIOUS CAN JUST THROW SOMETHING."
After mahjong we had a class activity at the soccer court. 
Guess who suggested we play soccer? (Me.) 
Then, guess who got rammed right in the shin, then smashed right smack in the face by the soccer ball? 
Let's not talk about that. 

After that I went back to the chalet first to prepare to cook the fried rice on the pathetically small wok. 
I had to cook like, 6 batches! Extremely tiring. But everyone helped and it was a success!! :] thank God. 
After I finished with the rice, another group came to start preparing for the barbecue. 
Meanwhile in the bedroom with Adele, Neng, Keith and Gerbs. 

"Ooh. You taking picture ah?" 

"Eh eh eh, you look like the statute of Liberty!!" 
Chen: *strikes a pose* 

When we finally felt energetic enough to get up, the class already and the fire started! Mostly thanks to our Scout boy Cong Yang, and Girl Guide Marini. 
Being too lazy to fan the fire, they took out the actual fan. 
Frozen songs started playing from the speaker and I sang every single song with gusto. 
I even did the elaborate hand motions and facial expressions, and I think everyone's amazement at my ability to recite every song slowly turned into horror and embarrassment. 

Ms Ng and Mr Pang came to see us at night! :D 
It's nice to be able to talk to our teachers like friends, instead of.... Teachers, now. 
I think I'll miss them quite a lot. 

And.. Did I mention 4H had a class chalet too? 
Well, it was at the same location and coincidentally, they were in the bungalow next to ours. 
So I got to see Lebs and Sheng :> 

I don't think I've ever felt so much love for my class. Haha, even those people whom I thought I wouldn't talk to.. Somehow in the 2 years we have spent together as a class, I feel a sort of affection for them :-) it's a nice feeling.

My first class chalet was a wonderful one. Even though I feel so spent and tired now, it's a happy-tired, you know what I mean?  
I loved :-) 
I think Marcus and Daryl deserve special mentions for planning so hard for this chalet, so, kudos to them :] 


He'll always be special to me, 
But I'll have you know that 
There's no one else like you. 
And I'd never wish you to be anybody else.