Saturday, 11 January 2014

Do I turn your grey skies blue?

My mother told me yesterday to "use all the ingredients left over from your baking"
So I did and I made muffins, jam drops, Nutella drops, and some cheesy cookies.

Didn't get a picture of the cheesy cookies. I know it sounds gross, and it was gross to me because I really hate cheese. But all the left over cream cheese had to go somewhere. Meh.
And it was just some weird recipe I cooked up. It wasn't bad though :-) 

CCA recruitment today! Oh gosh, I have to tell you about my most horrible morning ever. 
First, I woke up realising that it's THAT time of the month (uh huh it's exactly what you're thinking) and this means that the Adventure Cove date with my girls tomorrow will really be such a paaaaaaain. 
Then, I left house and realised I forgot my milo. 
Then, when I reached the bus stop after a long walk under the excruciating Singapore heat, I saw my bus!! And realised that I forgot my ez-link card. 
After going all the way back home (in the heat) to get it, then going back to the bus stop (in the heat), the bus took 10 minutes to come and I thought. This day couldn't get any worse. 
While on the bus things were starting to look better because there was air con and cute babies. Then, suddenly the bus bell didn't work and the bus almost drove off without allowing me to alight!! 
Agh. I managed to get the uncle to stop and open the doors in the end and I literally said "THANK GOD" out loud before getting off. 

Well, on a brighter note, I think all that walking in the sun helped me lose more weight that I'd tried to lose yesterday (where I fainted in the middle of jogging just one lousy round. Haha don't even get me started.) 
CCA recruitment was great though! Got to see all the friends I missed so much and everyone ate my jam drops (well, almost everyone I offered)
Credits to Olivia for that photo. 
You can see how I have to flash my winning smile to cajole people to taste my jam drops. I should totally do the door-to-door thing.
And I got to see my dancers dance!! I couldn't stop smiling during their performance *pride filling my heart*

And, I saw wee sheng too heh. So this morning wasn't so bad in the end :-)


Happy doesn't even cover what I felt when I saw you today. 
Neither does overjoyed, or elated.
Not even colours can help me this time. (Unless there is something more colourful than "rainbow"?)
God help me, it hasn't even been a week since the last time I saw you. 
I've decided that typing everything I want to say to you, here, is a bit too gross for everyone to see. 
So to save some readers from being sick or getting an eye infection,
I'd write down what I want to say and throw them all at you in one bunch, one day. 
Or if this was a cartoon,
I would write those letters daily and fold them into paper airplanes, fly them out, and somehow, (just like it always does in cartoons) it'll reach your window. 
Wouldn't that be so awesome :-)