Friday, 17 January 2014

Those were the days

2C BBQ today!! 
It was so great to see everyone reunited.
Only after tonight I realised how much I missed everyone. Like, I would ask myself "why didn't I talk to you when we crossed paths in school?!" 

I think out of everyone in 2C, I missed this group of girls the most. 
We used to fool around in class, Chaipuay being the crazy one, Rae making sarcastic jokes with her dry wit and Vivienne might seem really quiet but she sometimes just chips in funny comments in the conversations (': 

And oh my gosh, Kishen. 
Heheh, I'm so proud of him. 
He grew so much! He used to be shorter than me (': 
And now that he's lost all his baby fats, he's all man (:< 
I know this photo is up there already but, these two were and still are, inseparable. 
It's just always "Shaun and Raymond" 
Or "Raymond and Shaun" 
They're like a package deal. 
I've missed them so much too (': 

I would love to take the time to talk about everyone but frankly, I'm really tired (and I might unintentionally miss out on people.)
So let's just cut it short and say that I can't imagine a better sec 2 class :> 

Yesterday my girls and I were invited to a BBQ by hongren's clique, and it was fantastic because us four girls didn't have to cook at all because the boys did all the cooking :D 
It's a refreshing change, because bel and Olivia are very take-charge, yu wan just naturally helpful and I'm pretty much a mother hen so we always end up cooking the food in class barbecues. 
But this time, all we had to do was sit down and shout "IS THERE ANY MORE SATAY?" 
I have to say, even though I'm not real chummy with all of these boys, I will always kinda have a soft spot for them. 
They've grown so much! From chubby and short to tall and handsome (':  
Look at them!! So cute (': 

I also went cycling for awhile
(I KNOW RIGHT. Cycling!! I only crashed twice!) with wee sheng and I think we were gone for quite long and both of us didn't bring our phones so we (actually, just wee sheng) got insulted a lot when we came back hahaha. I can't quite remember what the boys said but bel has a better post about this night ( so if you want to see all the jokes they made, go read her post (': 

These two boys were in the room and with Aavan and Caleb always comes music so there was great live music all night.
I really admire people who are so musically-inclined. They could just pick up a guitar and start strumming and singing and nobody would wince and tell them to shut it, you know?
If I could sing well, I would serenade everyone everyday (':

Ending this post with a photo of my BBF and I. 
Haha oh Chen, we have come a long long way and I have decided that out of all the boys, the softest spot would be for you. 
Sometimes you would exasperate me so much that I'll just whine "Chen nenggggg" but then you'll look at me with that blur face and POOF. 
What was I frustrated about again?  
I hope we'll always stay this way (':


It seems as if my life has been reduced to counting the days till I can see you again.