Sunday, 13 April 2014

Days like these

Time zooms past like nobody's business nowadays and it's already April. 
Much quick. 
So unexpect. 
Very surprise. 

I meet up with my girls, Tzon and Kevin much more than I had hoped to at the start of the year so life's pretty good outside of school.
As for in school though, so many things are going on. So many things to cope with and so little time. 
Lecturers practically rap through the entire lesson leaving my mind all drained out. And then there are tutorials to work on, assignments to hand in, projects to do. 
So many things. 

Also, there's dance. I guess I can't complain much because I'll only be in 2 items for the upcoming concert but it's tiring all the same and pretty stressful because everyone here is just so good. 
I hardly find the joy in dancing any more and it's scaring me pretty badly. 
But I'm sure this is just a momentary thing because I'm all stressed out. 
(I hope.)

The dancers are really friendly though! Hanging out with them makes me look forward to dance class (: 

And here's my favourite person in class!! 
Nicoleywoley makes my days I'm 1414 better and brighter with her jokes and her smile and her laughter :* 

I've found a new blog recently thanks to my expert stalking and clicking on tags on instagram, and this girl writes amazing posts. 
I really want to tell the whole world about her but at the same time I want to keep it for myself to savour.
(Even though there are probably thousands out there reading her blog as well) 
(I can pretend that I don't know that) 
Hmm, well it makes me want to change the way I write because next to her, my blog suddenly feels so shallow. 
So superficial, and too.. Happy and näive in a way. (We're both the same age) 
I don't know why I'm saying this, maybe because I don't feel 17. Are 17 year olds suppose to feel the way she does? 
I don't know. I was always hoping after a birthday I'd wake up and feel all grown up but that never happened. 
I just get out of bed like, hmm, feels the same. 
Oh well maybe it's a gradual thing. Besides being this way isn't that much of a bad thing eh.

Now, let me just end this post with a photo of my best friend since sec 1 :] 