Since I stated in the previous post that my favourite writer is Julia Quinn, my favourite book by her would be Brighter Than the Sun
Which is actually the first book I read from her :-) Today was a slow day at work but I felt surprisingly cheery all day.
Until I fell off the shelf.
Yes, a shelf, not the ladder.
I can't really describe it, the feeling of falling, but it feels as if my heart was going to fly right out of my mouth. Ugh.
And I was rewarded with a big black bruise on my thigh.
Ah ma came to visit me at work today! And she said I look beautiful even with my ugly messy work hair and clothes. HAHA seriously, she's just so. Amazing. I love her so much, you know it feels as if my heart can burst with all the love in it. I don't even want to think of the day I'll lose her.
And then after work Wee Sheng came to see me.
Ah, another person who does funny things to my heart HAHAHA.
Anyway he tried to sneak up on me but alas, I left work early today so he failed :-)
I think I know now the best way to decribe this feeling I have around him.
He's like, a drug (?) and you know it's like I want to see him all the time and it is, he is so extremely addictive.
It scares me yet it makes me so ridiculously happy.
I honestly don't know where all this is going but for now I can just thank God for it.
And thank God for him :]