Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Day 17: your favourite quote

"Daniel chuckled. Whoever that poor girl was, he hoped his family was paying her well.
And then, finally, she lifted her fingers from the keys as Daisy began her painful violin solo. He watched her exhale, stretching her fingers, and then . . .

She looked up.

Time stopped. It simply stopped. It was the most maudlin and clichéd way of describing it, but those few seconds when her face was lifted toward his . . . they stretched and pulled, melting into eternity.

She was beautiful. But that didn’t explain it. He’d seen beautiful women before. He’d slept with plenty of them, even. But this . . . Her . . . She . . .

Even his thoughts were tongue-tied."

-A night like this, Julia Quinn

On Sunday my mum and I went for a baking class. Honestly, not that we need it * flicks hair * haha but really, it was just for fun. And because it was on offer, some groupon thing that my mum is totally obsessed about right now. 
We made chocolate devil cupcakes with buttercream frosting and chewy chocolate peanut butter brownies! 
Okay actually I didn't think the brownies were very good ): but it's alright! It was a good mother-daughter bonding session. 
After that we went to Nex to have some Shabu sushi dinner. It was not bad, although since it was a buffet and as Singaporeans we have to make full use of the money we spent there, we ate till our guts nearly exploded. 
Then we went around to use samples of nail polish to colour our nails HAHAHA. 

I really love my mum so much. I don't know how other mums are like but really, I'm so glad I ended up with this mum. 
Or maybe I'm glad that she ended up with me. Haha. 
She's probably the best smelling mum in the world and that's a bonus to her lovely character and her sometimes (maybe a little bit embarrassing) over-enthusiastic uhh interactions(?) with my friends.

Yesterday I watched Frozen again with Wee sheng! Yay, I love that show.
Asdfghjkl I love it when Disney combines movies like that!! 
I'm still waiting for the day Disney makes all the princesses come together to rescue their princes from some evil spell or something. 
And all the villains together! OMG can you guys imagine Maleficent and Ursula and Mother Gothel together?! HOW COOL WILL THAT BE. Excuse me while I go spaz to myself in the mirror.

After the movie we bought gay matching beanies. (Not my idea. Okay maybe it was, but he said agreed even though I was joking) he paid for it. 
Meh, I kinda feel uncomfortable when people pay for me, especially when it's not some special occasion.
Then we went to some playground near his place and he wanted to teach me how to cut my nails with a nail clipper HAHA 
As ridiculous as this sounds. 
I promised him and a lot of other people actually that I won't bite them anymore and good progress so far! 
Apparently his idea of trimming nails is almost chopping the entire finger off and I got so scared after the first time he tried to (dissect my finger) cut my nails that I picked up the art of nail clipping all by myself *proud smile*

He taught me how to play soccer too :D 
Okay, not really taught because frankly, I suck so bad I couldn't learn properly. I can't kick a ball correctly for nuts. We did something he called "target practice".
I found out that soccer is very much like ballet... 
Well, cause you gotta use the side of your foot to kick it? Sort of like when you do a battement tendu, you gotta turn out your foot!
But I kept doing ballet kicks so even though wee sheng says I'd make a fine footballer (lies. L I E S .) it's really not true. 
Here's us trying to do a jump shot. 
(Failing because our timing sucks) 
We tried to take a few more photos but we both look so bad today and we decided the Polaroid was the only passable photo to instagram HAHA 

And err, I suppose everyone thinks that we're together after I posted the photo but.. Heh. I don't know how to explain it. 
We are not quite there yet actually. 
In fact, I'd be worried if we were already there because these things can't happen in just a month, you know? 
Well, in all the books that I've read, nothing ends well for couples that don't take it slow. (finally. My love stories are useful) 

But for now, I'm happy, and he's happy, and I'm happy that he's happy. So all is good :-) 

I baked a cake to celebrate Kevin's early birthday! 
If you can't read it, it says "gay kevin" 
Hahaha. He asked for it. 
Anyway, it was a success! 
My very first Chocolate banana Oreo Blondie
Yum (: Kevin said it was good 
I pray every time before i bake and during baking and honestly, nothing I've baked has failed so far. 
Nothing has been burnt, nothing has been uncooked and for me, those two scenarios are the worst :> 
So I really owe it all to God. Hahaha (; 
Anyway, I finally satisfied my Don's pie craving! *pumps fist in the air* YESS. 
It tasted so gOOoooOoOoOod. And then after that we went to the library to return my books and of course, the inevitable, I borrowed more books. 
Return 6 borrow 10. HAHA 
Kevin has been such a great friend, and just an awesome brother in Christ. He's just the person to look for when you need a good listening ear and some advice. And he's funny too. Cracks me up all the time. Hahaha he's someone I really thank God for! And even though our friendship hasn't exactly been easy, I'm glad I met him and that all is good now :) 

So, that's all for now! 
Work again tomorrow ahhh, what a pain.
Can't wait for my colleagues to try my brownies though! :-) 