Friday, 20 December 2013

Day 18: first "chapter book" you read as a child

I remember the time I was crazy about Mr Midnight by James Lee. 
It was my first chapter book (': 
I even went to the meet and greet the author session! And he signed my book and my face was on the back cover of one of the books :D 

I had breakfast with wee sheng today :D 
It was good even though I had a bad flu and I was sneezing like 3/4 of the time. 
He asked me why people call him gaysheng. 
I believe his very words were 
"I very gay meh? I don't know why they call me gay leh! Larry calls me gaysheng, that gay."
Oh, I don't know, darling. Maybe it's your big big smile. 
Or your charming personality? 
Or maybe, just maybe ah, but probably not, it's because of the teeny fact that you're wearing my clip on your hair. 
(: I'm really not sure.  

Anyway, my bad flu turned into something worse and it wasn't long before I started a solo sneezing fest during work. 
It was unbearable. 
There was dust everywhere. I could see it man! 
During the sale period it's always dusty. 
And so I sneezed till I had a headache so finally I gave up and I asked to go home because I would've scared all the customers away anyway. 
So I went home at 2 and thank God the fever only came when I was in bed. 
Oh well, since it's 11pm and I'm still up blogging, I guess it's safe to say that I'm alright now (: 
All ready for work tomorrow! 
Thank God that I'm stopping work this month, and finally, finally, I'll have a real holiday in Jan. 

OH AND GUYS. I'm going to Disneyland, Hong Kong in January!!!! 
I get to see all the princes and princess and ahhhhhh maybe if I can find a good dress in time I can disneybound as rapunzel!! *v* 
I'm really bouncing with excitement right now. Heheheheh :] 
