My favourite colour today is blue.
It's blue.
Because blue literally means sad. Unlike red which can only be used to be express anger when a "seeing" is added infront, or how green is used to express jealousy in the phrase "green with jealousy", blue just means sad, like "I'm blue."
Also because blue is his second favourite colour.
And because I just changed my bed sheets to some blue sky pattern thingi and I'm just lying on my bed waiting for my potato salad to cook and I think. Hmm.
I like blue today.
Spent the whole day out with a bunch of people that I really love and it was great. We went ice skating then to my church's Christmas service. I'll blog about them soon once bel's pictures are up on Facebook!
Don't you think it's so hard to do the right thing?
There are simple right things, like choosing not to steal something for fun.
And then there are hard right things.
But then you know, if doing the hard right thing is what it takes to please God then I'll tell myself "I'll do it."