Met up with gaysheng at our LA 3 before meeting the rest to ice skate!
Oh, what's LA?
It's short for Lepak Area. And it's so embarrassing to say it out loud but weesheng says "ELLE EH" like he's actually proud that he made up that term (':
I don't have any pictures of lunch with Wee, Bel and Leb but I can tell you, it was really enjoyable watching Bel and Leb argue and insult one another.
They're like a tennis match.
B: so what do you guys want to eat? There's Hot Tomato downstairs.
L: I want to eat Cold Lemon.
B: -_- can you not be so lame
L: but I can still walk.
Wee sheng and I never felt so mature (':
Bel brought her hugeass camera that day and I totally felt like I was in a photoshoot.
You know, the kind you pay to go to, where the person will be all "Stand here! Face there! One hand on the table, the other on the chair!"
Only bel's instructions were "pretend I'm not here."
And I'm sure you all know once that phrase is said, you just cannot pretend she's not there taking ninja candids which are not so candid-ish.
But thanks bel! Because these photos make me super happy. :>
Next time you want a paparazzi on your date, you know who to call. -wink-
Anyway, we rode the travellator at Serangoon back and forth (sheng and I being like mature adults and bel and leb still bickering like kids) until Larry and Tzon came. Then
Ice skating.
The last time I ice skated, this girl saved my life (multiple times).
I can't ice skate for nuts. I swear, I'm just the most un-sports-inclined person in the world.
Leb was all "oh I think I lost touch already, I cannot I cannot."
PLEASE. He was gliding like a freaking fairy on ice like he has been doing it in his mom's womb. Ugh.
Same goes for Larry, Tzon and bel (whom you can see, is wearing a dress. So you know how confident she was of not falling.)
I wasn't the worst one there though (:
because Wee Sheng was.
I mean, look at his skates! They're tilted so precariously, I wince every time I see this photo.
In the end our very good and very clever friends (feel the sarcasm) left us two inexperienced people to waddle and shuffle together.
I'm just there flapping my arms desperately and he's all "wait I'm going to skate back. Oh shit how to turn how to turn."
"Wait ah wait ah"
They took photos. Tzon being his usual pervertic self.
I got the hang of it in the end.
I refuse to say We got the hang of it because I would be all steady steady and Wee Sheng would be all wobble wobble -tugs on Rachel's hand- then I would wobble too and when he regains his balance, he'll wink and me and say "don't worry, I've got you."
Sigh, okay well if it makes you feel better I'll let you think that.
HAHA okay but between you guys and I, I think I might have melted a bit when he said that. (eesh.)
After that we went to my church for the Christmas service together with Yu wan and
My parents. HAHAHA
*does the awkward turtle*
It wasn't very bad la. And service was a bit dry but the message was still powerful! Especially with the testimonies.
I think testimonies are what really hit people and get them to think "Hey, it actually happened. These things actually happen. For real. God is real."
And every time I hear a testimony, I feel like smiling and announcing to the world "My God has done it again! *pumps fist in the air*"
Ice skating always wore me out so I was so exhausted by the end of the day.
Thank God for the great company!
Sorry for the weechel spammage haha but this photo scene plays everytime he insults me.
Ws: (says something bad)
Me: *points at myself* ME? You mean I.. (Fill in blank with insult)
It always goes like that
24th December
Christmas Party with my family!
(If you zoom in on Mickey, you'll get dog nightmares tonight)
I love family gatherings because
-everyone's there.
-there's always food. Good food.
-my baby cousins.
I can't even decribe her as adorable, it has to be ADORABLEEEEE.
She always squeals the last syllable so when she says "jie JIE!" It's so unbearably cute I swear, she can ask for my bank account number and I'll just give it to her.
-my other cousins.
I worked the next day. Yup, I worked on Christmas Day. (Plays sad music at the background)
But you know, the day ended well.
Merry Christmas from WeeChel! :>
AND TODAY. I went to see Olivia.
The one who's so busy with mission trip meetings and trainings the angels and I hardly get to see her ):
It was a good catch up session (even though she was late but I swear I wasn't angry at all because I missed her so much I really didn't care much about her being late, only a little peeved that we had to lesser time to spend together)
I will never get over how the four of us kinda look alike somehow.
And since the 28th will be my last working day, I decided to bake a little something for my colleagues.
It's the cake I baked for Kevin's birthday hahaha! I love it.
And here's Rachel's Mandatory take-with-what-I-bake shot.