Thursday, 2 January 2014

10 years and running strong

Went out with the Gems today after having a good 16 hour sleep mmmmmm.
We were suppose to meet at 12 but then I changed it to 11 but then I was going to be late so we changed it back to 12, and you might think this explanation is pointless but no, there's a story behind it all. 

I woke up at around 7 because if I slept anymore than that my parents, might suspect that I have died. 

I had nothing to do from then till 12 so I decided to change the meeting time to 11. 
Then my mom suddenly pounced in and told me I needed to get an injection. 
So I thought, oh, okay, just a 30-second influenza jab so why not? 
Little did I know that, there was a 2 hour wait for the 30-second (one minute tops, I swear!!) jab.
Oh my goodness, one patient was in the room for about half and hour. Seriously, is she like giving birth? 
Ugh, okay so finally I went in meh, the jab was nothing compared to the excruciating wait. 
True enough though, the jab was about 12 seconds. The rest of the minutes spent in the room was the doctor talking to me about my future academic path. 

I finally met my gems! Ahh, I know I say this in every post I post about them but. 
We wanted to go cycling at ECP after lunch but plans changed because we got lazy so we decided to take a look at the new Downtown Line. 
I was just pondering about what would happen if they (the gems) met my secondary school clique (the angels)... 
I decided that it would be totally awkward because honestly, they are both two really different groups of people. 
You see, my angels would love to go have a buffet and then we'll probably go with the cycling plan. Or even if they come up with an alternative plan, they wouldn't want to do something as lame as seeing the downtown line. 
I would've thought about it but they'll probably be all "EEEEE FOR WHAT SIA" 
Whereas my primary school clique was all "OMG YES HAVENT SEEN IT YET LETS GO!" 
Funny how I can get along so well with both though (:

So we took bus 48 all the way to bugis then took the DT line to promenade and the Circle line to Serangoon and we had our Sogurt fix. Yum. 
Then we went to the library (after many complains from Mei Kee and Charisse) and while mk and risse found a place to sit, Samie and I were floating about the bookshelves in our personal heaven *v* 
WOOHOO. Being around a bookworm who actually reads the similar genre books as I do feels sooooo good. We went around like "OMG! That's a good book!", "Eh!! This one nice this one nice!!" And "ahhhh, I looooove this one."

And of course, how can we sit any where without taking selfie shots. Because. How often do we get to meet anyway?! 
We even tried to panorama ourselves but we failed miserably. 
(Charisse's attempt)
After that we went outside the library and shamelessly took timer shots. 
(Charisse looking gorgeous here while I eat a passer by)
(Samie's at the toilet)
A bunch of candids for you guys to laugh at 

We finally rested at this shady corner, talked about our primary school days like how we used to play butt-smacking (don't ask) and wrote Wedding Stories about the more notorious girls in our school (don't ask who), and ate chips. And then, you won't believe this. Gotta go my own way came on the public radio and Charisse and I were like DAYUM GURRRRL THIS IS OUR JAM. 
So it was like the good old times where we sang to the karaoke version of it at Charisse's house, where she sang the Gabriella part and I sang the Troy part. 
Ahhhh (': 
For those of you who don't know what Gotta go my own way is, you should get a life. 
HAHA okay, I'm kidding, you should really really watch High School Musical (: 

That's pretty much what we did today! 
It was such a good good time no matter how "nothing much" it sounded like. Haha just being with them feels wonderful and I really hope this friendship stays forever (as gay and cliche this line sounds) 
