I've blogged so much about the sad stuff so it's time for the happy stuff.
Camp was great!
I really thank God for the good good sessions and the games (even though I'm not a really outdoorsy person) were pretty entertaining.
A big big round of applause to the organizers because all these activities really took precise planning.
GROUP 14!! Okay well, I actually thought they were all very unfriendly because they totally ignored me on the whatsapp group ): BUT I take it back. They're a bunch of cuties.
This camp was focussing on crossing over to year 2014! So we had three sections: The past realm, the present realm and the future realm, and our games are based on all these.
The past realm game was a lot like the Hunger Games. A lot of running but YAY I LOVE MY GROUP. Because we're all so lazy we just walked around and sat down to pretend we were caught so we don't have to run. Here's a picture of us sitting HAHA.
The present realm game was a five station kind of game and I really loved how they inculcated (right word?) the bible verses and songs and everything in it.
AND GUYS. I have discovered so many new games heheh yay I'm a fun person now :D
Our group leader was a selfie master so
I know my head looks like it's photoshopped in so stop staring.
Finally, the last realm we had to build a car. We first had to bid for the car parts during an auction and the way this worked was that the visualizer will show a bible verse and a phone number and we're suppose to text this number the verse and the item we want for, let's say, the car engine part.
It was so stressful. And all throughout the game I was thinking "how I wish Yu Wan was here." Hahaha #championtexter
Or maybe bel. I'm not sure, they can compete.
So this is our car.
Just so you know, we didn't win.
But you know guys, God works best through the weak. Okay?
Finally, after the race we went to rest and shower and off to TC for the countdown party!
Before the party we all had a special activity- the treasure hunt.
Only we don't look for items, but people to pray for!
I think this is a session where God shows us how amazing he really is.
First, we pray for a vision, or a sign and we all jot it down. We got yellow shirt, silver watch on left hand, brown sling bag and brown shoes, jeans, name might be Alfred.
So we went around parkway looking for this man (occasionally shouting "EH ALFRED!") and we almost gave up because we would always be like: "EH GUYS!! YELLOW SHIRT!! Oh. Bermudas."
Or "YELLOW SHIRT AND JEANS!! Eh shucks, slippers and white bag."
Then finally. FINALLY.
We saw our guy.
And it turns out that he's a member of our church and his name is Clifford (seriously, close enough)
Do you see how amazing God is? How precise all the descriptions are and yet, we find someone who fits exactly in that catergory?
And we weren't the only group who found their treasure! The other groups and even more unbelievable stories :-)
Moving on, the countdown party was wildddd. There was a mass dance and WOOHOO. I love mass dances. and I was next to Jeannette the whole time so dancing with her then really felt like we are dancing back in school, in the canteen in front of the gym, just like in the good old days (':
Jeannette and I wore matching shirts the whole camp heheh. That girl is such a sweetie, really. One of the godliest, and most kind hearted girl I've ever known.
Isn't this pretty? Well, this was our surprise night activity at 1am after coming back from the countdown.
Here, every group had their own board full of their pictures where the members were to stick their visions on.
We also had our supper, which was wedges and a burger, there.
Oh dear, it's painful to confess how much I ate at this camp.
Firstly, I actually ate all three meals.
I didn't have any leftovers even though the portions were huuuuge. And secondly, that night's supper they had extra.
Joanna and I took another packet back to our room to share. HAHAHA.
Burgers and wedges at 2am?! That's like a one-way ticket to Fatville.
Think of all the calories.....
Finally on the last day (after about 3 hours of sleep) , we travelled back to TCT and it was time for our last session to break camp.
Okay. I have to confess. That. I fell asleep during the last session. Oh dear I feel so guilty for saying this but I tried, I really tried but I was so tired. (Haha, do you realise how tried and tired are spelled almost the same way?! #funfact)
Yeah, but all in all it was a good camp.
Ooh! And Joash was there too!
And here are a few of my cell group selfies
And then there's group 14!