I rose earlier than the sun to cook breakfast for my family!
And for the picnic with Wee sheng at Botanic Gardens.
That was our first stop. We basically ran around Singapore the whole day.
It's really such a beautiful beautiful place.
Whether it's to have a picnic or a jog or just a stroll, botanic gardens is gorgeous in the early morning.
We found a spot near lake where there were swans.
Okay, there was only one swan in the pond but there were ducks too.
I made wee sheng take photos with the feather club heehee
Doesn't he look so studious with his specs *o*
I love it when he wears spectacles.
After a good filling breakfast we went around the park collecting flowers for this mini book thing I made him.
It was suppose to be a surprise for him as I was planning to sneakily snag a few petals when he wasn't looking but I clearly wasn't cut out to be a ninja so he did all the plucking in the end
I sort of forgot that the flowers might decompose............
Wonder how they are doing now.
We wanted to take a Polaroid photo but you know how hard it is to find the right stranger who looks like he actually knows how to operate a camera (like where the "take" button is and how your fingers are not suppose to be blocking the lens)
Thank God though, because in the end we chose this guy who happened to be a professional photographer and look what pose he made us do
I know I look pregnant here but it's really the wind causing my shirt to billow out okay.
Our second stop was a pretty special place. We hung around there and took many timer shots.
I know it looks as if I'm falling and he's pulling me up but no, okay. NO.
He's the one who's always wobbling and flailing his arms about while I *thumps chest* am a ballerina and I can balance. Hmph. This picture was just me doing a.. momentary wiggle. Yeah.
I usually get very self-conscious when people piggy back me. Because when I agree to it and when I'm about to jump on, about a thousand thoughts run through my mind like
And true enough. The last thought.
The picture would've been perfect if my hair was perfect.
Most of the time around wee sheng I'd just babble a lot and when he smiles at me my heart kinda hops and I sort of babble even more and I would just accidentally spout out what's in my mind.
When I tell him about how he would die or maybe be a hunchback for the rest of his life if he piggybacked me, he would just look at me like I've insulted him,
Then he'll do (what he calls) his infamous wink, flick his hair to the side and say something starting with "我这个那么man的weesheng....."
After that we took a bus back to Paya lebar where we bought Soya Bean ice cream.
Ahh, the good old soya bean ice cream.
I'll tell you what's so special about it okay, besides the fact that it's one of my favourite ice creams in the world, yum.
I remember the second time he sent me home from school after I had a crappy day, he tried to tell me jokes through the whole bus journey. And honestly, with sheng, laughing isn't even an option. I can't remember a day I've spent with him not laughing at least 3 times. So, back to the story, I was recommending the soya bean ice cream to him and he went into the shop to buy it.
And then he came out with 2 cones and he probably said something charming (which,with much regret, I cannot remember) because I think my heart tripped a bit HAHAHA.
So ever since then this ice cream has sort of been our thing.
Our third stop was East Coast Park.
We cycled from area A to H on a double bike with stops in between.
I mean, he cycled.
I moved my legs a bit. HAHAHA
Well if you're wondering why I'm holding a tissue to my chin, I'm actually currently sporting a chin-ple.
Wait, let me rephrase.
I'm actually currently sporting a huge, mountainous, giganticnormous chin-ple.
And yes, I edited it out from my previous pictures okay HAHA
It's so disgusting I was wondering why wee sheng didn't just accidentally-on-purpose throw me off the bike.
And.. That's it.
That's all we did for the day.
Time really passes too quickly with him, it's really so unfair.
Today (or yesterday, actually, since it's after 12 already) was sort of a special day for the both of us.
GAH, it's really complicated and honestly if you've been reading my previous posts, it doesn't take a genius to find out what's going to happen to this thing going on between the two of us.
I just don't want to feel like I'm publicly announcing it. You know? Because it's not a very happy thing to say and it's gotten my heart tied up into knots.
Today was perfect, almost maybe fairytale-like, if the princesses in fairy tales actually perspire.
I don't know when I'm going to see you again, or even talk to you again, but you.
You need to know that
You're better than the best book I've ever read.
Better than chocolate on a cold, sad day.
Better than the crunchiest leaf on the sidewalk.
It was so difficult to make a choice, to do this. But I don't regret because I know what's good and right.
Hmm, it really doesn't change the fact that we both sort of feel like poop now.
But I figured, through this, we can learn to be a whole heart just by ourselves and not depend on each other to have one because, love is, I realised, really not two halves coming together to make one whole, but two wholes coming together to make each other a better person.
I'd ask, "you think we'd ever make it?"
You say, "I'm sure, if it's right."
Ain't it funny to think just how stupid I used to be?
Hope you'll always believe
You still have all of my heart.