Sunday, 5 January 2014

I'll keep you a daydream away

Currently blogging live from Hong Kong with my parents and my cousin! 
Tammy looked so good in her black leather today. Woo. 

I only had about 3 hours of sleep so I conked out through most of the plane ride, only waking up to eat at the same time managing to catch the last part of Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones (I think it's called?). The lead actress is gorgeous. *v* 

Isn't the skyline so pretty?! There was no filter on this picture! Wooo :>

Everything's good so far. Except for my legs because I just came back from a tough round of shopping. Thank God I managed to snag a pair of new shoes though. The boots I wore here didn't warn me they were going to induce blisters :< 

The food was good too! We walked down the streets and just found a Dim Sum place to settle our lunch. 
We heard wanton noodles in HK is a must try but, I'm not sure if the noodles are suppose to be Maggie noodles....... 
Oh well, they were good anyway. 

As we went to shop, we saw shop full of signs announcing $20 in bold red colour. And we couldn't believe our eyes! 
Boots, knitted sweaters, shorts, jeans, scarves all $20?! 
Then we realised that the signs said $20 discount on every item and we were vastly disappointed. 
Apparently there were Chinese characters on the signs but we happened to not see it. 
Okay , maybe we did but we couldn't read it. (I am feeling awfully ashamed right now)
After shopping there was dessert (who's the fatty). Hmm, it was said to be good but it was, meh, nothing fantastic. Just a lot of mangoes and little transparent balls in it. 
On the way back to the hotel Tammy and I saw a police car and she got all gaga over it because she's kind of a hardcore HK police drama fan and she thinks Cantonese is the best thing ever created since telephones.
Most excited than I've ever seen her tbh. 

After a short break at the hotel room, it's dinner time! ( more food, oink.) we tried out some hk street food! (The honey chicken was so good *o*) and ate beef ball noodles. 

Oh gawd. I made the stupidest mistake by saying yes to chilli. I don't think I've ever tasted anything that spicy. I ate one mouth and I spent 10 minutes staring into space and breathing through my mouth.
We were then suppose to go to some bridge thing but in the end we were too tired so we took a nice slow walk back to the hotel :-) 
My outfit for today. 

Because I had the best camera phone among the 4 of us, I became the unofficial photographer of the trip 
I'm doing a pretty good job right :> 
They look adorable.

I think winter is awfully romantic. 
Even without the snow it's romantic because it's all cold and people (and by people I mean couples) get to huddle together. 
And boys bringing their girls out have a good reason to hold their hands :P 
And the best part? No sweaty palms. (Because the air is so cool.) 
And of course, there's the good old "here let me lend you my jacket" line, where guys get to be all manly and put their jackets around their girlfriends' shoulders, maybe stealing a hug or two because, you know, to share body heat for maximum warmth. -wink-

As I was walking down the streets of HK breathing in the chilly air, I saw this guy tie a scarf around his girlfriend's neck and adjust her beanie and the girl was just trying to swat his hand away (obviously not meaning it) and she was blushing. 
I guess this led to my thoughts about winter and I've decided to put "experience winter with future life partner" in my bucket list.

I really really adore love stories so sometimes my mind just makes up scenarios which I actually type down in the notes section in my phone, heheh.

Thank God for the safe flight and good hair day. And I pray that he would heal my chinple because editing it out of pictures is a real pain in the butt, and it really hurts even though it's probably freezing in the cold weather. 
I swear this chinple is not normal. It's mutating. 
Not kidding.

I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you