Woke up today to find out that my face has cracked.
My skin is seriously peeling and cracking and I'm worried I don't have enough skin beneath the peeling ones to keep my.. Face.
What if I have not enough face?!
(You know, because I'm so un-thick skinned. Ha ha.)
Aghhhh it hurts. I might take back what I said about winter being romantic. I guess it could be romantic if you have an endless Aloe Vera cream supply.
Took the MTR for the first time today!
Oh it was such a bad experience. My card couldn't work and everyone else was already at the opposite side of the gates already so I had to walk back (a long long way) to the station customer service and I got lost.
A L O N E .
I was so worried I started chanting prayers as I was walking :<
Thank God I found my way in the end, because I asked for directions. In Mandarin.
Never will I underestimate the power of Chinese ever again. Thank a God I'm at least coherent.
Finally we reached our destination, and we went to the wax museum.
I thought it would be boring but oh, no. It wasn't.
JAYYYYYY CHOUUUU AHHHH. I could cry, I could cryyyy.
My cousin and I spent about 20 minutes molesting, I mean, taking photos with him.
Oh yeah, if you haven't figured it out yet, it's just his wax figure but omg?! Jay Chou (':
Also saw Aaron Kwok (so handsome)
And wolverine (so so handsome)
And other famous people.
I'll just post a couple of my favorites here okay :]
My cousin went about ruining the celebrities' images.
This one's my favourite. HAHA.
After the museum we went to this peak thingi.
It wasn't very interesting because the view was all blocked by the fog and the most memorable thing there was the super cold wind which caused my Dad and I to wrap our faces up like war refugees.
But as tourists, we took mandatory touristy shots of course.
There's the "it's so cold!" Shot (I was really saying "it's so cold" haha)
And the look into the distance notcandid-candid.
At night we headed to Lan Kwai Fong, this place full of clubs and bars, and settled at Hard Rock Cafe.
I couldn't get an alcoholic drink because I'm below 18 so I got stuck with some gay pink fruit mix.
It was pretty though.
Walked around for a while more and GUESS WHAT.
Tammy finally got a photo with a policeman!!
I'm totally excited for tomorrow because it's Disneyland timeeeee *shakes hips*
Why do I always think
That this feeling of longing
Will disappear
The next time I think about you?
When I know
That every time I think about you,
When something reminds me of you-
A song,
A colour-
This feeling will come,
Gnawing at my heart.