Tuesday, 7 January 2014

It'd be perfect if you were here

The day. 
Is finally. 
*runs around and screams for 15 minutes*
Ha. Haha (': 
I was going to progress slowly into the story of what the Disneyland was like and blah but. Ah (': I met rapunzel. 

I saw her from across this pond because she was on the bridge and when I rushed there, she already had to go off ): 
So the person managing the area said "she'll be back at 11:30"
So I waited 
Meanwhile I met Alice at the Mad Hatter's Teacup spin!! So adorable (: 

When I went back, SHE WASNT THERE. 
The other princesses were but. 
I was so disappointed so I waited and waited somemore and finally. 
She came back!! 
She was really in character! I remember everything she said. 
"Hi! What's your name? WOW you have a great smile!"
(I was so excited and happy I think I might've been trembling.) "Hello!! Ahaha thank you thank you I'm Rachel!"
"OOH! Flower prints on your pants! I have flower prints on my skirt too. Yay! We're matching!!"
Then she saw my purity ring and she said 
"That's such a beautiful ring!! Ooh, Eugene's gotta get me one of these. Hehe sorry I'm just, really excited!!"

And I'm so happy. 
I was literally sulking when she wasn't there at 11:30. 
So I prayed and BAM. There she is (': 
THANK GOD so so much.

Princess hunting turned out to be quite exhausting so we had lunch after that!
LOL at Tammy. She looks so pissed off with her food. When I told her that she looked so shocked and said "what?! Really? I thought I looked quite happy."

Well, I found out today the only 2 things that scares my oh-fearless cousin are sudden cockroach appearances and roller coaster rides.
We took the first roller coaster ride, which wasn't even that scary FYI, and all I heard above my screams were my cousin's (Im so sorry for this part okay I really really dislike vulgarities but my cousin spouted a whole string of words and it was so so funny) "KNN CCB FCKING CHEE MA IM GONNA SHIT IN MY PANTS OMG OMG FCK SHIT WHAT CB." 

And this are our faces after the ride.

The souvenir shops sold cute costumes!! 
AHHH, why don't that have it in adult sizes. Maybe I could try on some hehe
Okay, that was really embarrassing to admit. I'd probably look like a drag queen. 

There were patterned walls down the street so we got creative. 
It wasn't easy staying in that squat position so.. 
Haha this loser. 

These are real steps okay. HAHA.

The overpriced snacks were good! 
Ah, today was really such a dream. The weather was awesome and the place, just, so breathtaking. 

The different lands were so amazing 
(Sorry bout this. I think it's hilarious.)

The whole trip ended off with an amazing fireworks display. 

I'm going back to Singapore tomorrow! 
Really Thank God for this amazing trip because. So many dreams came true (': 
You don't understand the joy i felt when I saw rapunzel. It was really one of my biggest biggest dreams ever. You might think I'm crazy, but AGH. I saw her!! (': 
Well, in spite of how wonderful this place is, I really miss singapore and I can't wait to get back to just stay home all day and read. 

Plus, results day soon. I've been pushing this to the back of my mind since the end of Os but it's real now. 
It's next week. 


Nobody said it was easy, 
It's such a shame for us to part. 
Nobody said it was easy, 
No one ever said it would be this hard, 
Oh, take me back to the start. 
Not a day passed me by when I don't think about you.
